Smoother Aesthetics in Maidstone

Privacy policy (including GDPR, photography and information storage)

In line with GDPR, Smoother Aesthetics' information is stored with the following key principles:

-Lawfulness, fairness and transparency: stored with Aesthetic Nurse Software-a trusted aesthetic notes team. 

- Purpose limitation: your information is collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes.

- Data minimisation: data relevant to your medical condition/treatment will be documented. Your personal and treatment details may be shared with accountancy/tax services by Smoother Aesthetics, including images if required e.g. when posting on social media.

- Accuracy: notes are accurate when documented and you sign to agree this within your medical consent form.

- Storage limitation: notes are kept securely for 10 years. 

- Integrity and confidentiality (security): Smoother Aesthetics use 'Aesthetic Nurse Software' to store client information and data securely. Smoother Aesthetics use an iPad which is securely locked and only accessible to authorised users within Smoother Aesthetics. 

- Accountability: as nurses, Smoother Aesthetics' practitioners are bound by the Nursing and Midwifery Council Code of Conduct and are accountable for their actions. 

Clinical photographs are essential to the practice of medical aesthetics. It allows us to record in detail the client’s appearance prior to the procedure, post and then at follow-up appointments, this is a requirement of treatment at Smoother Aesthetics. 


Under the Data Protection Act 1998 we are obliged to gain your consent on the above. 


If you would like a copy of the above policy, please let Smoother Aesthetics know and this can be sent to you.

The above information will be discussed at your appointment face-to-face. You can request details of personal information we hold about you. Your consent for your images and data to be stored with Smoother Aesthetics on a secure notes system. Your personal information will remain confidential. Please do ask us if you have any further questions. Policy Updated 24/11/21.

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